Friday, May 6, 2011

The Demerits of War

Ware rob mankind of higher qualities of life .Unjust war degrades men to sub human levels .the Warring nations have dragged the world to near destruction . their propaganda was on the plea that their national interest were at stake. the saving of democracy was preferable to the higher values of life.
people moan about poverty as a great evil ; and it seems to be an accepted belief  that if people had plenty of money , they world be happy and useful and get more out of life. but ,as a rule there is more  genuine satisfaction in life and more obedient from life in the humble cottage of poor then in the palaces of the rich. I always pity the sons and daughters of rich men who are attended by servants .It is because I know how sweet and pure the home of honest poverty is how free from cares ,social envies and jealousies ,how loving and united its members are in the common interest of supporting the family that I congratulate the poor man's son It is for this reasons that from the ranks of the poor so many strong , eminent, self reliant men have always sprung and must spring.     

1 comment:

  1. where are the demerits of war in this whole paragraph......................??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
